- Their attitude. They think, 'OMG look at mai kool hairzz... and mah fricken TUUU-TUUU.' Who the heck cares. You look like imbiciles, and will never be taken seriously by anyone. Not too mention that you're so stuck up you can only have other idiot emo/scene/WHATEVER as friends, or you lose, lyk, koolness pointz. Grow up.
- How they act in public with all their little friends. They yell and generally act obnoxious. Believe me, most people don't appreciate the F-bomb dropped every four seconds at the top of your lungs in front of their kids.
- Their music. Screamo isn't that great. Sorry to burst your little 'lawlimsohardcorecauseilikeSCREAMOmannn...' bubble. Same for emo music.
- Clothing. Good.lord. I don't even know how to describe how much I hate scene kid clothes. It's so... lurid. (most of you scene kiddies will need your dictionaries now) And flashy... obnoxious. It's not cute. It's not even attractive.
- Pictures. It always either showcases their hair, makeup, unrealistically short skirts, boobs, or all of the above. Posed provacatively, usually.... then they show all their little friends and they try to copy them, and now we have obscene (ha, see what I did there? ;D Scene kids might need some help to figure it out) amounts of ridiculous pictures of 14 year-old girls pulling their shirts up just so, because it makes them cool. Whatever.
- Obsession with dinosaurs. What.the.heck. Please tell me who started this so we can burn them at the stake.
- Cutting/Depression. Yeah, yeah... they're both serious problems, etc. etc... but the scene community uses both for the attention. "LYK, yeah. I haz som scarz on mah wrists. LOVE MEH BECAUSE IM SADDDD. =[[[[[" or "im sooo frickkennnn angry at every1... no one understandzz meh... iz so artistec... yeh, im kool." *rips hair out*
- Hair. 0__o I have no words. I hate it so much.
- Language. The very worst of which is 'rawr'. Followed closely by 'mai', 'meh', 'mah', 'lyk', 'atm', and others.
- Makeup. (I will admit, I wore heavy eye makeup for a period in my life. But I stopped) They think it makes them look so cool. In reality, they look like dumb kids desperately vying for attention. Lay off.
- Hearts. Here is the average scene girl conversation; "Soooo, yuppp. i went to lyyyyyyyyk hottopic 2day and got a frikkkkkkkkeeeeeeeennnnnnnnn awesom shirt. it has, lyk, skullz razorz and bluddd on ittt. <3>
- Broken Hearts. a.k.a. 'less than three'. Made even more irritating when they post a single broken heart and all their friends go, "ohemgee, whats wrongggg? =[[[" Come on.
This about covers it. Thanks (or no thanks, depending on who you are) for reading this. It was a great vent/stress reliever ever. (I loved making up the scene kid dialogue) If you have any others, please comment.