- Their attitude. They think, 'OMG look at mai kool hairzz... and mah fricken TUUU-TUUU.' Who the heck cares. You look like imbiciles, and will never be taken seriously by anyone. Not too mention that you're so stuck up you can only have other idiot emo/scene/WHATEVER as friends, or you lose, lyk, koolness pointz. Grow up.
- How they act in public with all their little friends. They yell and generally act obnoxious. Believe me, most people don't appreciate the F-bomb dropped every four seconds at the top of your lungs in front of their kids.
- Their music. Screamo isn't that great. Sorry to burst your little 'lawlimsohardcorecauseilikeSCREAMOmannn...' bubble. Same for emo music.
- Clothing. Good.lord. I don't even know how to describe how much I hate scene kid clothes. It's so... lurid. (most of you scene kiddies will need your dictionaries now) And flashy... obnoxious. It's not cute. It's not even attractive.
- Pictures. It always either showcases their hair, makeup, unrealistically short skirts, boobs, or all of the above. Posed provacatively, usually.... then they show all their little friends and they try to copy them, and now we have obscene (ha, see what I did there? ;D Scene kids might need some help to figure it out) amounts of ridiculous pictures of 14 year-old girls pulling their shirts up just so, because it makes them cool. Whatever.
- Obsession with dinosaurs. What.the.heck. Please tell me who started this so we can burn them at the stake.
- Cutting/Depression. Yeah, yeah... they're both serious problems, etc. etc... but the scene community uses both for the attention. "LYK, yeah. I haz som scarz on mah wrists. LOVE MEH BECAUSE IM SADDDD. =[[[[[" or "im sooo frickkennnn angry at every1... no one understandzz meh... iz so artistec... yeh, im kool." *rips hair out*
- Hair. 0__o I have no words. I hate it so much.
- Language. The very worst of which is 'rawr'. Followed closely by 'mai', 'meh', 'mah', 'lyk', 'atm', and others.
- Makeup. (I will admit, I wore heavy eye makeup for a period in my life. But I stopped) They think it makes them look so cool. In reality, they look like dumb kids desperately vying for attention. Lay off.
- Hearts. Here is the average scene girl conversation; "Soooo, yuppp. i went to lyyyyyyyyk hottopic 2day and got a frikkkkkkkkeeeeeeeennnnnnnnn awesom shirt. it has, lyk, skullz razorz and bluddd on ittt. <3>
- Broken Hearts. a.k.a. 'less than three'. Made even more irritating when they post a single broken heart and all their friends go, "ohemgee, whats wrongggg? =[[[" Come on.
This about covers it. Thanks (or no thanks, depending on who you are) for reading this. It was a great vent/stress reliever ever. (I loved making up the scene kid dialogue) If you have any others, please comment.
So I was just surfing the web looking for INTP related stuff when I came across this interesting piece. And I decided to post a counter because 1. I am extremely bored, and 2. Because I like taking defense of things. and 3. I like scene kids =P
ReplyDeleteHonestly I don't know why so many people have a problem with scene kids. I see no difference at how they are any different from any other group of people and frankly all the scene kids I know are nice people.
I totally disagree about how you describe their attitude. I think the same could be said about those guys in high school and college who do sports and act like total retards in and outside of class. They joke joke around, are loud, and also act as if they are the focal point of class. I don't think it is something soley to scene kids. Also lots of friends act loud and obnoxious in public. It just depends on their personality and their outgoingness. I know nerds who act like this.
I am a guy. I dress scene. I have the hair, I wear skinny jeans, lots of stripes, converse, tight band tees, big sunglasses, fun scarves, and whatever else I like to wear. I have eyeliner and would have my piercings if my job allowed it. I also have scene friends. I have several best friends. One is a complete nerd, one is a flamboyant gymnist, a goth, and those normal people out on the streets that i don't really associate and sort of "style" or " idk "classification"? with. I only use these stereotypes because they sorta help when describing how someone looks and some of their basic interests. But basically I am saying I have all sorts of friends. I don't think scene kids keep to themselves. And if in the realm of highschool they do, It is probably just because no one takes takes them seriously as people. They share the same interests and are relative to other extreme groups.
When it comes to cursing and the F-bomb, Zomg I know so many people outside of scene kids who curse regularly out loud in public. Its not just scene kids. And I am not saying that its right. I dont curse at all, And if I ever did it would never be in public because I want to respect other peoples values.
I like screamo, I especially like screamo remakes like Crank Dat Calvary Kid. I like other music too. But I think the reason people think screamo is weird or bad or whatever is cause its such an extreme thing. I mean it totally goes the opposite direction of music that we've become accustomed to. But hey thats what rap used to be like. I know lots of older people who will deny that rap is music. I honestly think in a few years screamo will become a lot more recognized and normal. And honestly thats why scene kids are scene kids, they're style is an extreme one and against the flow of the norm.
Which brings me to Clothing and hair. Yeah its not the norm, Its different, extremely different, Thats why they like it, thats why I like it. But I think everybody has hairstyles they dread. I associate this one with cheeleaders and like super dizty preppyish girls. Where they have there hair come down on the sides then they pull their long hair in the front over the top of their head towards the back. You can only do this if you have long bangs or no bangs. It's not a hairstyle I like at all. Yet lots of people do it, Some of my best friends wear their hair like that. But to each their own you know?
And the same reason with the clothing, I love clothing that goes against what most people are wearing, mismatched socks, arm warmers, random bead necklaces whatever. I hate that so many people dress so dull and unexpressive. I'm not to fond of jeans and a t-shirt.
Now with pictures I don't really know what to say. I'm just sick of seeing pictures of all these people taking really bad pictures of themselves. Only take pictures of yourself if you have a good camera and know how to take a decent picture. Cause frankly most people suck at taking pictures lol.
Same person =P
ReplyDeleteI lolled at the dinosaur thing. Honestly I do not know the deal regarding dinosaurs, and dont really know what to say about it either. Maybe some girls find dinosaurs cute? I don't like dinosaurs all that much. XD
I don't think people need to worry about how other people write or talk. I saw this quote today somewhere online I thought was funny it said something like "America has its own grammar" or something like that. I thought it was funny but you know everyone has different ways of talking or writing and I don't see anything wrong with that.
And Ive never seen a scene kid cutter. That just doesn't make sense. People shouldn't cut themselves if their depressed. Any other reason is fine lol.
I also love lots of makeup, especially contrasting eye makeup.
And I also loved your over exaggerated scene kid dialogue.
I think I discovered the 4th reason to why I am writing this and that is because I am an INTP. And I found this on your page and thought wow thats exactly what I am doing. But yeah. Also I was just really bored. I hope you don't take any offense to this I was just trying to keep busy. If you want to reply or something you can email me here
If someone attempts to make a sarcastic, mocking comment about an interest of an INTP, the latter will defend himself with a pure, almost naive seriousness, explaining his position with a severe exactness, wielding his words like swords. This almost always disarms the mocker who does not expect such a penetrating defence. The INTPs defence usually also contains a subtle but biting attack thrown back in the mocker's face, chiefly because the INTP cannot entirely hide the fact that he believes his opponent to be stupid. But I don't think you're stupid
honestly I think it depends on the person, I have to say a lot are very melodramatic, but I do my hair all teased, but I like other stuff, I also vary between light makeup and very heavy because I want to be a cosmetologist, and I wear stuff like them but also other clothes too. I know when to sharpen up, and I am not loud, or annoying in public, and I'm not hypocritical, I'm just saying everyone is different, I don't like stereotyping, but I do get called scene sometimea even if I'm not, I think it really has to do with the persons subcousious mind and what they think they are.
ReplyDeleteReally? Your going to bash on scene kids? Who are you to judge them have you ever met one of them? Yea the ones who act like that are just wannabes I am a really nice person unless you piss me off sorry but you sound a little jealous most people compliment me on my makeup but i started off doing a horrible job so i can say i was a scene fail myself i also teased my hair wayyy to big in 8th grade and theres a pic in the yearbook i am really embarassed about we just like being ourselves btw not all talk annoying and we listen to good bands like A Day to Remember and Chelsea Grin most scene queens are beautiful like brookelle bones and the guys are the hottest to me than an average guy
ReplyDeleteDon't know what your problem is dude :) scene/emo's don't speak like that as a matter of fact :) emo and scene are DIFFERENT... If you haven't noticed EMO is a music genre... Scene is completely different... Scenies don't listen to screamo... They don't cut... Not even "emo's" cut.... I know A LOT of none "emo's" who cut... So get over yourself.... You're just looking for attention dude... You've already gotten so many hate messages...
ReplyDeleteDude seriously I really just don't know what your problem is...
ReplyDeleteOh wait yea, I just remebered.. "Scenies don't know how to speak english"
Lyk omg, y is u swo mean... Ima go slit mah wrists...
Dude you shouldn't bother... You've gotten so many hate messages... You should be prepared for hate mail if you pull a stunt like this ;)
(Translation: lyk u shudlnt du stuffz lyk dis..)
Stop judging... You're never going to get anywhere....
Pathetic prepubescent scenes defending THEMSELVES!
ReplyDeleteMost of the stuff mentioned is true. I was just waltzing around the internet casually, popping into some scene and emo infested sites (Quotev, to name one.), and most of the people in those sites conform to some of the points stated. A few people post up a sentence about their demented love life, like, "I hate him". Boo-hoo! And then we have the large group of people who self-harm and have about a million disorders. "I'm depressed, anorexic, bipolar, have ADHD and cut. Sooooooo, yeah. I'm pretty f***** up :)" I'm just not buying it. And, of course, there is plenty of disgusting grammar to go around! You have all your "meh", "dis" and "lyke", with some random numbers thrown in and an unhealthy dose of text talk as well.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing I wanted to add that Scene kids do: THEY OBSESS OVER BANDS WAY TO MUCH. And it isn't even the whole band, it's always about the 'hot' lead singer and how he's so hot and good at singing and hot.